
Automate your home and business.

Automation doesn't mean your lazy, it's about freeing up your time for the things that matters most.

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Automation and Tech Consulting Services

·       PLC Programming (Siemens S7, Yokogawa, GE MarkVIe etc.)

·       Micro Controller Programming (Arduino, Raspberry etc.)

·       Home Automation Advice

·       Home Smart Devices Servicing (Troubleshooting errors, Software Upgrades, Integration etc.)

·       Laptop and Cell Phone Servicing (Troubleshooting errors, Software Upgrades, Integration etc.)

Technology Supply and Install Services

·       PLC Supply (Siemens S7, Yokogawa, GE MarkVIe etc.)

·       Micro Controller Supply (Arduino, Raspberry etc.)

·       Home Smart Devices Supply (Spec’ing and Sourcing)

·       Home Smart Devices Installation (New or Upgrades to existing home electrical systems)

·       Laptop and Cellphone Supply (Spec'ing, Sourcing of Parts and Complete Units etc.)



5830 East 2nd Street, Casper,Wyoming 82609

Hong Kong

Trinidad and Tobago

CONTACT US                   (308) 244-1282